It was just one of those days where things didn't go the way you want them too, usually on those days I go buy a pack of cigarettes, sit in the park and reminisce and that's what I had in mind. So am on route to the vendor that has his stack right in front of the park. I reach. We exchange a few words and I ask him for the usual, and this women comes by and asks for a pack which was a $1 more expensive, but it looked the same to me, so out of curiosity I ask her, "whats so special about that pack ?" She replies, "These are the healthy ones." So my next question being, "how are cigarettes in any way healthy ?" She says, "They're organic, doesn't burn that fast so you wind up smoking less." It was too hard to believe so I bet her $20 that she was wrong, and once again, it did not go my way. I lost that bet, but in return I had a quite a pleasant conversation with a stranger as we walked down our separate ways.
I got back to my shack, threw my coat and crashed on the sofa with my laptop. I start surfing, checking my mails, you know, the usual. Well, perhaps I might have left out some key piece of information, that I'm a writer and am more like a one hit wonder, whose novel got chosen for this super crazy shit, f**ked up movie. But I didn't complain about it too much because it gets me the dough, and lots of it. But money doesn't get you everything, it doesn't get me a fucking A in English, when I happen to be a, well what I would like to call a novelist, also there ain't enough money in the world to avoid summer school, as my dumb ass maths teacher phrases it. The worst part of it is, that my book wasn't even remotely read by anyone in this school. My readership mainly consisted of South Asians who think I'm a 23 year old, successful novelist who also happens to be a Investment banker or so states my blog but who the hell knows. I'm in my final year of high school, I got a 2350 on my S.A.T's but I still have no fucking future since I am flunking at least two subjects that I guess I have taken up, been arrested twice in the same year and this writing thing is like an on-and-off thing types. But all I can think of is this girl/ lady/ women whatever you wanna call her. Now, what I failed to understand over the years are basically two things, firstly women and secondly, the control women have over men. I have found no solution to the first query but to the second one I have a very simple but effective theory, men like attractive women, any feature of a women's anatomy could be attractive to a man and the only thing a women has to do is strip down butt naked and have sex with the guy, and you have him. No matter who the guy is, it could be the President of the United States or George Clooney or any other random mother f**cker, it just doesn't matter. When a man see a naked women or even tries to picture one in his mind, it just screws with the way a man thinks. There is like this chemical imbalance which makes us incapable of thought and our race(MEN) would say anything to make that possible, and so with my future on the line, and probably a few other important things. I choose to think about a strange women that has infactuated me with some spell rather than focus on college and other important things. This brings me to my first question, which I fail to answer again."Whats up with women ?"